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All-Russian scientific conference “Science and Youth” starts working in Grozny

  • 28 ноября 2013 18:00
  • 1642
All-Russian scientific conference “Science and Youth” starts working in Grozny
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Young scientists, PhD students, postgraduate students and pupils present their works in different spheres of science. Jars with substances are put together with models of helicopters and ships.

An exhibiting hall is placed in lobby. Students majoring in medicine use mannequins to demonstrate the way emergency assistance should be provided when someone is hurt. Nearby are participants of the scientific community « Robot technique and intellectual systems of mechanization » presenting their latest works to the audience. Young scientists called their brainchild Robotaur. It took them one week to work it out, and it took one month to assemble it. The whole mechanism except for a range of electronic chips was assembled by themselves. Robotaur can make a number of elementary manipulations: wave hand, take things and move things. Now they start to work out a more comprehensive model. In the opposite part of the hall there is a trial taking place. The court deprived certain Gromova Natalya Nikolaevna of her parental rights in front of students attending the hall. Obviously, the trial is a fake one, all names are made-up and any coincidence with real persons is just accidental, but it feels unease once the verdict of the judge is heard. After a short demonstration guests and participants gathered together in the hall to hold an opening ceremony of the All-Russian scientific conference «Science and Youth». The festival will take place during three days in 70 regions of the country. One hundred twenty eight reports will be presented at ten sessions in the Chechen State University. The best works will be awarded with diplomas.

Elizaveta Chabhanova

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